Brothers and Sisters:
I am sending this to you through Recording Secretary Chiaramonte because I am at the Capitol in Harrisburg.
Last Thursday Senator Jane Earle started to circulate a co-sponsorship memo intending to introduce a piece of legislation to amend Act 111.
The PPFFA has quickly mobilized and started to move proactively to stop this from moving forward.
Over the weekend we strategized with legal counsel and our FOP counterparts.
On Monday the PPFFA and FOP circulated a co-authored letter throughout the Capitol opposing any changes to Act 111.
Today and for the next several session days we will be canvassing the Capitol getting firm commitments from Senate Members to oppose any changes to Act 111.
If and when we need our membership to reach out to their legislators we will contact you.
Stay Safe
Art Martynuska
Pennsylvania Professional
Fire Fighters Association
2048 Derry Street
Harrisburg, PA 17104
Office 717-221-8800 ext. 203
Fax. 814-619-3087
Mobile 814-525-0536